Hawksbury Lagoon update Feb 2021

We have had a great start to the year with the return of up to 16 Spoonbills on several occasions. They have been absent for quite a while, so it was lovely to see them “mowing” the water once more. We have also been delighted by the shoals of small fish extending from the Inverary Street bridge to the outlet, I wouldn’t like to suggest that they are whitebait, they are more likely to be Bullies of which there are 7 different types. In addition, Shags and Heron’s keen for a quick feed were lurking nearby. 

These encouraging signs of wildlife around the lagoon were reinforced at our inaugural “open day” in January and the presentation by Greg Kerr. Greg had put a net into the water on the Maori fishing easement the previous night and when he pulled it out there was great excitement by all present by the surprising number of eels (tuna) present.  Derek Onley also delighted the audience with his shared knowledge about the birdlife which frequents the lagoon, enhanced by the timely flyby of a beautiful Grey Heron.  From our perspective and the feedback we received during and after the day, it was a hugely successful event. We were delighted to see a number of locals and children present, as well as Marian Hobbs (ORC) and Aaron Hawkins (Dunedin Mayor), for whom the existence of the Hawksbury Lagoon was a pleasant surprise (even though I assured them the lagoon wasn’t at its best). We raised nearly $800 (always useful) even though providing an opportunity for the community to learn about our work was the main objective.  Take a look at our new website and facebook page to see photos of the day, and much more. My thanks to all who assisted and supported our “Open day”. We hope to repeat the event next year.

You are also invited to view original art work by Derek Onley from Feb 21st 3pm until March 15th at the “Gallery on Blueskin” 1 Harvey Street Waitati.

Finally, our AGM will be held at the end of March, all those interested are welcome to attend. More details next month.

Shirley McKewen



Hawksbury Lagoon update March 2021


Open Day: Field Talks & Plant Sale 17 January 2021 10am-12pm